Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Subversion and Maven release plugin


I faced a unique problem while using mavne release plugin with subversion. ( though it has nothing to do specifically with subversion I believe ).

I used to check-out codebase from subversion using url like : svn://myrepository/mycode/trunk

... where myrepository is the hostname without fully qualified domain info.

Because of policy change in network administration, It was made compulsory to use fully qualified host name with domain information. Because of this reason I changed location of repository in declaration within my pom file to svn://

After updating pom with this information, maven release:prepare started giving error like "Can't get password", though dryRun worked fine.

Finally we realised that codebase was checked-out with "guest" user by default and hidden svn metadata files were still pointing to svn://myrepository/mycode/trunk.

Solution to this problem was to checkout the code again with correct url having domain info included and then submitting a file with a minor change ( i.e. just add an extra space somewhere in pom ). This will again ask for username and password for subversion and will be cached for use by maven release plugin.

- Dipak